
Why your child should ride horses

My daughter's trainer said to me "I know you would rather she have a tennis racquet in her hand, but she has this natural riding ability".  Riding becomes a life long passion for some.  It is one of the most expensive sports one might be involved in and it could be one of the most dangerous.  This life sport impacts a child's physical, mental and emotional well-being.  How fortunate the child or adult rider is who can have the privilege of cantering around a large, living animal.

I was once told, by a Horsie Dad, that sailing was more dangerous but I told him that he was wrong.   Horseback riding is physically demanding from raising up the saddle to the withers and then to be doing the half seat in the ring.  It improves coordination and balance.  Few sports exercise or make demands, bilaterally, on the body.   Horse back riding is one of the sports that does.

Emotionally, riding can build character.  It makes a child be and feel more responsible.  They are accountable for this huge 1000 pound breathing creature.  They learn empathy for the friend who has just fallen off, or the one who missed the course at the show.  They mentor younger kids around the barn and that builds self confidence.  They exchange and interact with adults and this only serves to increase their social skills.  They may learn to cope with the pressure of having all eyes on them while parents and siblings watch from the barn's fence or ringside at a competitive finals.

The riding lesson forces them to focus on riding basics.  They are challenged to take risks.  They meet new people and travel to new places.
Should they elect to compete at a schooling show or a rated show, they need to learn how to be a gracious loser.  They may have  to learn to handle disappointment or celebrate achieving a goal after committing themselves to work hard all year round.

They are lifting, riding, feeding, falling, eating, cleaning, mucking, traveling, getting up early, organizing themselves.  It is different than soccer and field hockey and more like flying!

by Cathleen Marsh

