Today I am going to talk about how to attract more deer and bigger deer to your deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind.
Marty Prokop asks, “How Many Times Has This Happened to You?”
You are sitting in your deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind. You see a big buck walking in front of you, just out of range.Suddenly, the big buck stops and begins to circle your tree stand or blind location. As you sit in your deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind watching the buck, you notice the wind direction has changed slightly and is now blowing your human odor in the direction of the big buck.
No worries, you figure, he will keep coming towards you, because you have sprayed cover scent all over your deer hunting gear and deer hunting clothing.
Then it happens.
The buck stops in his tracks, throws his head into the air and snorts loudly as he catches your human odor. The big buck turns and runs deeper into the woods, not once offering you a clean shot.
Your deer hunt doesn’t have to end this way.
In order to attract more deer and big bucks for a clean shot from your deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind, you must keep your human odor as minimal as possible.
Marty Prokop Reveals Using Deer Attractant Scents to Lure Deer Closer
In addition to my cover scent, I hang multiple scent wicks around my deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind location.During the pre-rut, I used doe urine and buck urine scents. During the rut, I use doe estrus and dominate buck scents.
Here is how I make handling these scent wicks less messy to make and quicker to hang in the field.
The scent wicks I hang in the field around my deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind are saturated with the same scents as my drag lines. (We talked about this in a prior newsletter and blog post.)
The day before I go deer hunting, while preparing my deer scent drag lines, I saturate six additional scent wicks and place them into the zip-top bags with the drag lines.
One bag contains three additional scent wicks saturated with buck urine during the pre-rut and dominant buck scent during the rut.
The second bag contains three additional scent wicks saturated with doe urine during the pre-rut and doe estrus during the rut.
In The Field with Marty Prokop
In a shooting lane directly in front of my deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind, about 20 yards out, I hang one doe-based attractant scent wick and one buck-based attractant scent wick. I make sure all scent wicks are four to five feet off the ground so wind can help disperse the deer scent.Then, I walk twenty yards to the right of my deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind and do the same. I move twenty yards to the left of my deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind and hang the remaining buck and doe scent wicks.
What is the purpose of hanging the scent wicks to either side of your deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind?
It is to help cover your human odor if the wind currents change and to stop deer from catching human odor and bolting when they circle behind you or are down wind of you.
I’ve had big bucks circle to the side of my deer hunting tree stand, catch the smell of the scent wick and turn back towards my tree stand. This allowed me good shots before I was winded by the deer.
The next time you head into the deer hunting woods let deer attractant scents and the wind currents do some of the work for you. Place your scent wicks in front and to the left and right of your deer hunting tree stand or deer hunting blind.
Do this and you could attract more deer to you, without them knowing you are even there.
Good Luck and Great Hunting.